215-968-3901 lucasltd13@gmail.com

Service Agreements

Lucas Ltd. Plumbing now offers service agreements for our residential customers. Our service agreements are designed to give our customers peace of mind. You can choose from 3 different levels to fit your needs. All levels have a 1 year option, or a 2 year option at a disocunted rate.

Inspections – Included in all Levels

On our initial visit to your home, all emergency shut off valves will be tagged. This way, if you do have a problem, you can stop the problem from damaging your home. Also, we can take a water sample to see if anything in your water could be causing damage to your plumbing system.

After we inspect your home, the condition of everything will be reported to you. If anything needs to be repaired, replaced, or upgraded, the decision will be up to you. For both yearly and bi-annual inspections, the following will be performed…

Water Heater Flush (if applicable)

Water heaters will be drained and refilled, removing any build up which will make sure you get the most out of your water heater. Flushes will be performed on a yearly basis.


Water Heater Inspection

We will check the operational parts of the water heater to make sure everything is working properly, this will insure optimum performance from your water heater. We will also inspect visible parts of the tank for any trouble spots that may cause a leak.


Dye Test Toilets

We will dye test all toilets. This simple procedure tells us whether or not your toilet may be silently leaking. A running toilet is the number one cause for an increase in water bills.


Sump Pump Inspection

We will test the operation of any sump pumps or back up pumps. This will tell us if there is a problem, before a flooded basement lets you know.


Washing Machine Hose Inspection

We will check the integrity of your washing machine hoses for potential problems.


Trap and Supply Line Inspection

We will check the integrity of supply lines to fixtures as well as exposed traps.


Pop up Assemblies

We will remove any debris that may be caught in your sink or tub pop-up assemblies. This is a common problem that leads to slow drains.

Lucas Ltd. Plumbing
250 South Lincoln Avenue
Newtown, PA 18940

Business Hours
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Monday through Friday

24 Hour Emergency Service


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